• From Costa Rica to Texas, seeking 100% renewable

    by Seth Zuckerman on

    Feds to cut energy use 40 percent, advanced jet and diesel biofuels expand on the West Coast, Europe’s power grid unruffled by solar eclipse, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

  • Support Oregon's transition from coal to clean

    by Patrick O'Herron on

    The Coal to Clean Energy plan would transition Oregon completely off of coal by 2025. Let's make it happen - we can protect our health and climate, create local jobs and transition to clean, renewable energy!

  • A snowball rolling downhill

    by Nora Weaver on

    The clean energy economy is coming, and the northwest is poised to lead it into being. Sometimes it seems like a struggle, sometimes it seems inevitable. Here's the story of one person working to grow our solar industry, and how it fits into a clean energy vision for the future.

  • Enough is enough! Stand with the Lummi against big coal

    by Joëlle Robinson on

    Lummi Nation leaders have asked the Army Corps of Engineers to "act swiftly" to deny a coal export facility that threatens their treaty fishing rights. Will you stand with them?

  • SB 5735: This bad bill is no win for the climate

    by Ben Serrurier on

    Climate and clean energy debates in Olympia this year are focused on two different proposals, but only one that addresses the climate problem. One, the Carbon Pollution Accountability Act, would be a win for our state's economy, public health and the climate. The other would roll back years of progress.

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The Stakes are High

This fall, here's how we protect climate progress in Washington:

Vote NO on I-2066
Vote NO on I-2117

In Oregon:

Support restoring the Climate Protection Program

and, of course, Vote!

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