• Hot shots and carbon champs

    by Bobby Hayden on

    The second episode of Years continues a storyline in which Harrison Ford travels to Indonesia to investigate massive slash and burn deforestation projects, which are making way for gigantic, illegal palm oil plantations. The destruction of Indonesia's peat lands - the burning of both the forests' trees and carbon rich soils - now accounts for 4% of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions alone. 

  • The engines that power our clean energy schools of the future

    by Ben Serrurier on

    In 2010 the Washington State legislature passed the Jobs Now Act, providing grants to school districts for energy efficiency and other cost-saving investments. Despite such resounding and widespread success, funding for the Jobs Act isn’t guaranteed; we need the legislature to renew it this year.

  • How I fell for the carbon tax

    by Bobby Hayden on

    One woman shares the story of her rise and fall – and rise again! – as a climate activist: What do an executive, a student, a tribal leader, an activist and a veteran have in common? They were all talking climate action back in February at Fortified! – a climate change storytelling event hosted by the Portland State University's Institute for Sustainable Solutions and in partnership with the City of Portland, Climate Solutions, Ecotrust, Oregon Environmental Council, Renewable Northwest, and the VOIS Alliance.

  • How real is “political reality”?

    by KC Golden on

    Try explaining to your grandkids that there was some other “reality” that trumped what we now know about the threats of climate change, and the solutions available to us. How real will politics seem to them, compared to what they’re up against?

  • Clamor mounting for climate action

    by Seth Zuckerman on

    Royal Dutch Shell joins Trillion-Ton Communiqué calling for timetable to zero net carbon; Kitimat, B.C., rejects oil terminal; IPCC calls for climate-conserving measures to start ASAP, and more.

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The Stakes are High

This fall, here's how we protect climate progress in Washington:

Vote NO on I-2066
Vote NO on I-2117

In Oregon:

Support restoring the Climate Protection Program

and, of course, Vote!

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