Coal to Clean Energy Forum - Corvallis
Corvallis-Benton County Public Library

Did you know that Oregon still gets one third of its energy from out-of-state coal? 
Pacific Power, for example, actually gets two-thirds of its energy from coal plants in Montana, Utah and Wyoming.
This is bad news, as you well know. Coal plants are the single biggest air polluter in the country, making coal a leading cause of climate disruption and a major public health threat.
Join us at this upcoming public forum to learn about the problem of coal use in Oregon, the benefits of clean energy, and about a new, exciting legislative effort that proposes a solution to end coal use in Oregon by 2025, and transition us to clean, renewable energy.

WHAT: Coal to Clean Energy Forum
WHEN:   6:30 pm Thursday November 13th
WHERE: Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, 645 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis MAP

  • Dr. Andy Harris, M.D., Interim Director for the OHSU Global Health Center; and Advisory Board Member, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility

  • Amy Baird, Communications Manager, Renewable Northwest

  • Amy Hojnowski, Campaign Representative, Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign

RSVP:  To Sierra Club organizer Laura Stevens at

We've made major progress against coal in recent years:  We've defeated four coal export proposals in the region, and Oregon's only coal plant – PGE's Boardman plant – will stop burning coal in 2020.  Yet coal-powered electricity still makes up about one quarter of Oregon's total carbon footprint.
We can do better. Instead of buying coal from out-of-state plants, Oregon's utility companies should invest in clean renewable energy sources— like wind and solar—that create new jobs locally.

Oregonians across the state agree: we want clean energy. It's time to give Oregonians the energy we want. 

Co-sponsors include: Sierra Club, OLCV Education Fund, Oregon Environmental Council, 350 PDX and 350 Corvallis, Citizens Climate Lobby-Portland and Corvallis Chapters, League of Women's Voters-Corvallis, Better World Club, Engineers for a Sustainable Future, Flying Fish Company, Home Performance Guild, International Living Future Institute, and Alliance for Democracy-Portland Chapter.

Just us at this important public forum to learn more about your role in Oregon's transition from coal to clean energy.

See you there!





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