Economic Development & Job Creation

The Bright Future Clean Energy Economy track follows trends in economic development and jobs created as part of the clean energy transition.

Clean Energy Economy Drives Job Creation—Climate Solutions’ Senior Economic Analyst John McGarry looks at current data on the increase in clean energy jobs over the past decade.

Renewable Energy Jobs Worldwide—The renewable energy industry now employs more than 8.1 million people worldwide (up 5 percent from last year), while jobs in the broader energy sector fell.

Clean Jobs America—Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) found that more than 2.5 million Americans now work in clean energy at businesses across all 50 states in a comprehensive analysis of U.S. clean energy and clean transportation jobs.

Growth in U.S. Solar Jobs—The sixth annual National Solar Jobs Census conducted by The Solar Foundation found a 20.2 percent growth in solar industry employment from 2014 to 2015 and solar employment grew nearly 12 times faster than the national employment rate of 1.7 percent over the same period.

Price Supports for Renewable Energy in the U.S.—A short primer on the federal Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit and the Business Energy Investment Tax Credit, two critical policy programs that have assisted the development of wind and solar in the United States.

Economics of Decarbonization—Report by ICF International produced for NextGen Climate America, Inc. analyzing the overall impacts in jobs and economic outputs that could result from decarbonizing the U.S. economy and finding that deep decarbonization would have a net positive impact on the overall economy in terms of hobs, GDP, and income per household.

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