350.org PDX Road through Paris - Portland March for Climate Justice
Eastbank Esplanade behind the Portland Opera House

SAVE THE DATE: December 12th, the day after the UN Paris Climate Talks end, people all across the world are taking to the streets to make sure the people, not the politicians, have the last word. Regardless of what gets decided in Paris, we know that climate leadership is coming from the ground up with the grassroots and cities leading the way.

In Portland, things are shaping up for a great event!

We’ll gather at the base of the Tilikum Bridge, the Bridge of the People, for a short rally with music and speakers, before marching across in an inspiring and beautiful call for climate justice.

This peaceful, family friendly event will be outside, so dress to stay warm and dry.

Saturday, December 12th, Road through Paris - Portland March for Climate Justice
11:30 AM - Gathering starts with music
12:00 PM - Short rally featuring renowned author and activist Kathleen Dean Moore & other local leaders for climate justice
12:30 PM - March across Tilikum Crossing

Here are 5 ways you can help make Dec. 12th a powerful action:

1] RSVP on Facebook and invite your friends!

2] Help create beautiful visuals - join an art make:

3 ] Volunteer on the 12th:
We need your help with clean-up, warming stations, unloading signs, and other odd jobs! Fill out the volunteer form and we’ll be in touch about roles.

4] Join the Flash Mob:
Watch the video, learn the moves and then show up on December 12th ready to dance. You can learn the full song on youtube.

5] Chip in to help cover costs for this Event. Anything is appreciated!

350.org Portland: Building Portland's Climate Movement



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