Image of wave crashing in the Oregon Coast
Speak up for Climate Action! Email your Legislator in Oregon
Did you know the Oregon Legislature hasn’t updated our state climate goals in over 15 years?
Using Energy Wisely

Energy efficiency is the foundation of decarbonizing our power system – reducing the need for new generating capacity overall and significantly improving the economic performance of the energy system.  Former U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson once described energy efficiency as the "silent hero" to stop global warming.  It is already the region’s second largest electric power “resource,” after hydropower

Using energy wisely and storing more for later create great co-benefits with saving people money on their bills -especially lower income households, improving our health, reducing energy demand to make it cheaper and more reliable and creating more local jobs.  

Recently the American Council on an Energy-Efficient Economy ranked both Washington and Oregon in the top ten states of making great strides in reducing energy use across their economies, including with appliance standards, in buildings, the transportation sector and also with the electrical grid.  

Progress in energy efficiencies over the last three decades is a strong affirmation of the economic and environmental value of energy efficiency as a resource.  There continue to be enormous efficiency opportunities and needed solutions, statewide but also in major jurisdictions in the region.  

image of the capitol building in Salem with spring flowers

Speak up for Climate Action! Email your Legislator in Oregon

Did you know the Oregon Legislature hasn’t updated our state climate goals in over 15 years?

🎬 Cutting climate pollution from buildings

Homes, offices, and other buildings are a major source of climate and air pollution. Thankfully, the best solutions will save you money on energy costs without sacrificing comfort. Learn more by watching our new video series!

Climate Cast banner graphic with photo of desert

Renewables booming, but it’s still too hot 🥵

ClimateCast is our curated, biweekly collection of news and commentary on climate issues. In this issue: DC Dispatch; renewables boom; CA leads but still too hot

Photo of someone looking at heat pump systems on an iPad with a child in the background

Hot ways to stay cool: take our buildings all-electric

WA State has an opportunity to ensure the most climate friendly state residential energy codes in the country.

Photo of Oregon lush green rainforest

Why Oregon’s climate progress is good, but still not enough

If you’re like me, you’ve seen a LOT of studies released about the increasingly dire state of our climate, what’s to come if we do not cut pollution, and how much pollution we need to cut by when.

Photo of sunrise over prairie, Mt. Adams Oregon

Two years ago today: One of biggest climate wins in Oregon history

Today is a significant milestone for Oregon’s climate progress, but it requires a little time traveling to the cusp of the pre-COVID times to fully appreciate how far we’ve come.

Photo of house roof truss

Recapping Oregon's 2022 Legislative Session

This session, the legislature provided historic levels of investments in clean energy solutions and electric vehicles, as well as significant progress for environmental and social justice in our state.

Photo of Mt. Jefferson, Oregon

Sprint with us toward climate action

Oregon's legislators heard your calls to address climate pollution from buildings—but it’s taking a new form. Also, don't miss updates on our statewide other climate priorities.

Photo of Oregon state capitol

What's ahead for climate action in Salem?

No corner of our state was left untouched by climate-fueled storms and harms last year.

Yard sign that reads "We are going all electric"

Oregon’s “Future of Gas” Process: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Oregon PUC regulators are tasked with figuring out how to protect customers and reduce risk, while gas utilities grapple with how to meet climate pollution reduction goals while continuing to meet customers’ needs.

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🎬 Cutting climate pollution from buildings

Submitted by Jonathan Lee on

Homes, offices, and other buildings are a major source of climate and air pollution. Thankfully, the best solutions will save you money on energy costs without sacrificing comfort. Learn more by watching our new video series!
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