• Take it to the limit

    by Bobby Hayden on

    Yesterday, Kristin Eberhard of betterquest.org and Sightline published “There’s Plenty of Room at Hotel California” – a fantastic how-to for Oregon and Washington decision-makers looking to link with other states on pricing and limiting climate pollution.  It’s a great read, and rather than challenge the cloying Eagles reference in the title, I decided to extend the trend.

  • Our corner of the country is on fire

    by Savitha Reddy Pathi on

    Nearly unprecedented wildfires are raging across parts of Washington and Oregon, and have devastated the community of Pateros, WA. Here's how you can help.

  • Oregon businesses declare: climate progress is our priority

    by Carrie Hearne on

    Over 70 businesses have signed onto the Oregon Business Climate Declaration.

  • Australia dumps carbon tax

    by Seth Zuckerman on

    Carbon pollution is once again free Down Under, Minnesota cuts coal use by more than a third, boreal fires in Canada add fuel to climate change, Appalachia looks to a future beyond coal, and more.

  • Oregon businesses call for state action on climate

    by Carrie Hearne on

    Over 70 companies in Oregon today announced their support for bold state action on climate change, including support for clean fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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