• Stand up to big oil in Washington State

    by Joëlle Robinson on

    Together we can protect our communities from oil trains and oil spills. Washington residents, please contact your legislator asking them to support this important bill!

  • Super session in Salem starts today

    by Kristen Sheeran on

    Working together, we can make sure Oregon seizes the day. Here’s a rundown of several priorities and upcoming events in 2015.

  • Climate action: unstoppable

    by Alex Epstein on

    On Tuesday, hearing rooms at the State Capitol in Olympia were overflowing with people waiting to tell legislators that it's time for climate action. Join us this Saturday in Olympia or Seattle to learn more about proposed climate legislation in WA.

  • For carbon pollution, a price is right

    by Kat Plimpton on

    Climate Solutions' KC Golden joined Nicole Keenan (Puget Sound Sage), Yoram Bauman (Carbon WA) and Todd Myers (Washington Policy Center) for a spirited and informative discussion about fighting climate change by putting a price on fossil fuel pollution. Listen in, then join the conversation!

  • May the 4th: be with us! Climate Solutions' 7th Annual Breakfast

    Join us for Climate Solutions' 7th Annual Breakfast on Monday, May 4. It's a not-to-miss fundraiser event that will inspire and bring together leaders from all sectors of the clean energy economy. With keynote speaker Mindy Lubber from Ceres, Inc.

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Article Summary

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