- Let’s get going on clean and safe buildings for Tacoma!
by Deepa Sivarajan on
On April 20th Tacoma set a path forward for clean and safe buildings in their city.
- Washingtonians, breathe easier: clean fuels are coming
by Climate Solutions on
Marking a victory for people’s health, the environment, and economic recovery, the Washington Legislature passed a Clean Fuel Standard, governor-request legislation that the Legislature considered three years in a row
- Washington's Climate Commitment Act nears final passage
by Climate Solutions on
The Washington House has passed the Climate Commitment Act, which would establish a firm statewide cap on global warming pollution, making WA the second state to do so. The Senate now has the weekend to concur with the House version before the Governor can sign the bill into law.
- The real deal on Earth Day and climate
by Stephanie Noren on
Earth Day climate commitments, need for transparency in "climate-friendly banking", and the latest from WA/OR
- We did it! 100% clean and fossil-free Multnomah county buildings
by Jonathan Lee on
Multnomah County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution ensuring all new county-owned buildings—including libraries, courthouses, and community centers—are built to be fossil-free and utilize 100% clean and renewable energy.
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