• Cities on the move: the Road Through Paris

    by Jonathan Lawson on

    Cities (or "sub-nationals," in international climate negotiations-speak) are at the vanguard of where real climate solutions are being implemented around the world. That will remain true in the years ahead, no matter how ambitious an agreement emerges from the COP21 climate talks in Paris this month--local and state governments will be shouldering much of the load of creative carbon emissions reduction, of energy efficiency improvements, and of access to renewable energy.

  • Paddle!

    by KC Golden on

    Climate advocacy involves a lot of paddling to get to those exciting periods of momentous whitewater. We've had a lot of these lately, roaring past Keystone XL and Shell’s Arctic retreat, and on through the Paris climate talks. We can hear the next big ones ahead--but we've got to keep paddling to get there. This #GivingTuesday, can you lean into your stroke and help us get there? 

  • Paris talks open to parade of speeches, new promises

    by Seth Zuckerman on

    Billionaires unite to boost clean energy R&D, deal in the works to extend federal credits for solar and wind, US public opinion backs climate pact, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

  • The Urban Clean Energy Revolution

    by Elizabeth Willmott on

    The Urban Clean Energy Revolution report details the state of play of low-carbon cities and describes a rich array of best practices and examples of urban clean energy innovation and carbon reduction.

  • Lighting Up Paris

    by KC Golden on

    Darkness of the most desperate and terrifying kind descended on Paris in the November 13 attacks.  The world convenes now in the City of Light, with an ever more urgent and sober sense of the pressing need for global cooperation for peace and justice.

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