Graphic showing how 100 percent clean energy works
Climate Solutions / Jonathan Toshio Lee
Imagine 100 percent Clean Energy for Oregon

UPDATED: May 11th, 2021
POSTED: March 12th, 2021

It’s no secret that Climate Solutions strongly supports states and local jurisdictions committing to 100% clean energy; it’s a critical step toward securing cleaner air for our communities to breathe, addressing the effects of climate change, and ensuring that our energy system is resilient and flexible for our future needs. 

This handout delves into the real benefits of 100% clean energy and explains how a statewide commitment to 100% clean energy would work together with other existing climate and clean air policies—like the Oregon Climate Action Plan, Oregon Clean Fuels Program, and federal laws and regulations—to help us achieve our carbon pollution reduction goals while ensuring our energy needs are met for decades to come. 

Click here to download the fact sheet [PDF]

Side-by-side screenshot of 'Imagine 100 percent clean energy' handout



Climate Solutions is a member of the Oregon Clean Energy Opportunity coalition, a broad group of Oregon nonprofits and community groups working to enact these priorities in 2021*: 

  1. Energy Affordability: Decrease utility costs for families already struggling in the economic recession by establishing a Low-Income Utility Rate Class. (House Bill 2475)
  2. Healthy Homes: Support home upgrades to help improve the health of families across Oregon. (House Bill 2842)
  3. 100% Clean Energy for All Bill: Create good, well-paying, local jobs in the renewable energy sector that incentivize local projects that are good for communities and reduce pollution by achieving 100% clean energy as soon as possible. (House Bill 2021).

This campaign presents Oregon with a unique opportunity right now to embrace a just transition to a 100% clean energy future. As legislators and advocates consider what this can and should look like, we are most excited to share the numerous ways 100% clean energy policy will benefit everyday Oregonians’ pocketbooks, health, and energy stability. 

Ready to get involved? Be sure to sign up for the latest updates from the campaign; they will announce ways you can get involved to ensure we accomplish these vital priorities this year. 

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Author Bio

Photo of Jon Lee
Jonathan Lee

Former Storytelling and Digital Engagement Manager, Climate Solutions

Jonathan Toshio Lee (pronouns: he/him) is passionate about sharing people- and solutions-centric stories that educate and inspire positive change. He has over twelve years of experience developing communications strategies, creating multimedia content, advocating for sound public policy, and promoting equity, diversity, and social justice. 

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, the importance of protecting the environment was instilled in him at a young age. Jonathan heeded the call to address the climate crisis as a teenager after watching Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth (2006), after which he sought to reduce his own climate pollution, wrote to his elected officials to support climate policy and pollution reduction, and began to volunteer in the conservation movement. Jonathan is a graduate of Willamette University with a degree in sociology and ethnic studies, which helped equip him to analyze the numerous intersections of climate, environmental justice, and public discourse. 

Before joining the Climate Solutions team in 2019, Jonathan worked in the crime victims' services field and served as a board member and volunteer with OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon.