🎬 Cutting climate pollution from buildings

Homes, offices, and other buildings are a major source of climate and air pollution. When our buildings are carbon-free and energy efficient, it'll significantly reduce our climate pollution, drastically cut energy costs for owners and renters, and improve air quality where we live and work. Thankfully, many of the best solutions are well-developed and will save you money on energy costs without sacrificing comfort. Learn more by watching our new video series!


Finding and removing the pollution buildings create

Buildings: A hidden source of climate pollution

Fossil gas: Not so "natural"?

Live in comfort and save money with an electric heat pump

Author Bio

Photo of Jon Lee
Jonathan Lee

Storytelling and Digital Engagement Manager, Climate Solutions

Jonathan Toshio Lee (pronouns: he/him) is passionate about lifting up stories that educate, inspire, and make positive change. He has over a decade of experience in communications strategy, creating multimedia content, public policy advocacy, and promoting equity, diversity, and social justice. Before joining the Climate Solutions team, Jonathan worked in the crime victims' services field and served as a board member and volunteer with OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon.