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Our roads deserve a breather.

by Joëlle Robinson on

Ask your Washington lawmakers to support electrification of more medium- and heavy-duty vehicles including school buses, transit buses, garbage trucks, delivery vans, and semis.

Polluters pay: Washington sets a new gold standard

by Jonathan Lawson on

This week, Washington reached a significant milestone in the state’s push to reduce emissions.

Landmark climate leadership: WA invests in environmental justice

by Altinay Karasapan on

In this post, we’ll highlight some groundbreaking pieces unique to Washington’s law: environmental justice provisions that prioritize air pollution reductions in overburdened communities, ongoing oversight by an Environmental Justice Council, and significant investments in communities most impacted by poor air quality, economic barriers, and climate impacts.

Halfway through

by Kelly Hall on

Midway through this year's legislative session in Washington, lawmakers are working on implementing recently passed climate laws and allocating funds from the Climate Commitment Act. How's it going?

Everyone should be able to breathe clean air

by Joëlle Robinson on

Ask WA legislators to support making energy-saving heat pumps available to low- and moderate-income households, schools and small businesses.

Rolling electric in every lane

by Jonathan Lawson on

Electric cars and buses are everywhere already; school buses and heavy trucks are getting their turn in the fast lane. Also: what if the train that exploded in Ohio had been hauling tar sands oil?

Our 2023 Oregon Legislative Session Priorities

by Meredith Connolly on

Oregon has made incredible strides in cleaning up our electric grid and transportation sector through milestone policies in recent years. This suite of priorities helps turn the promise of these policies into progress on the ground that meaningfully benefits us all.

Big oil's bogus blame game: falling for oil company lies has dire consequences

by Leah Missik on

When you hear a chorus of oil companies and their allies railing against climate policy, keep their motivations and high profit margins in mind.

Landmark climate leadership and investment: the Climate Commitment Act in WA

by Altinay Karasapan on

A new blog series spotlighting the Climate Commitment Act in WA. This edition is Part 1: a primer on WA’s new cap-and-invest program.

WA folks can benefit from home energy incentives... but we need help.

by Joëlle Robinson on

The Energy Upgrade Navigator Program would help Washington residents access state and federal clean energy investments to save money, helping the state meet our climate goals.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act