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This changes everything: Climate actions across Washington this weekend

by Jonathan Lawson on

Are you ready? Because this weekend is when we're going to change everything. People's Climate actions are taking place across Washington State—and across the country.

Oregon Joins Global March for Climate Action

by Bobby Hayden on

As world leaders gather in New York City for the UN Climate Summit later this month, tens of thousands of people will gather in cities across Oregon, across the country and across the world to send a clear message—the time to act on climate change is now.

Smells like global warming

by Seth Zuckerman on

Three hours north of San Francisco, the haze thickens to soupy smoke. Through the closed car windows, the smell is unmistakable. It smells like global warming.

Join the clean energy surge! Time for clean fuels in Washington

by Jessica Finn Coven on

Elected officials are lining up to support clean fuels in Washington. Add your voice to this surge for consumer choice, job growth and a cleaner environment!

Climate march approaches; will the leaders follow?

by Seth Zuckerman on

U.S. to curb carbon emissions from air travel, protestors block oil train north of Seattle, BP faces $18 billion penalty for Deepwater Horizon blow-out, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

Take notice, big coal: you will not win this battle.

by Timothy Ballew II on

This open letter was read at each stop along the Lummi Nation's Totem Pole Journey in August 2014. This year, journey leaders took a stand against coal and oil export in our region.

China plans carbon market, banks tout green power

by Seth Zuckerman on

Banks predict transformation for electric utilities, blunt warnings ahead in the IPCC report, power companies and regulators look for new pricing schemes, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Getting Smarter

by Bryce Yonker on

The Executive Director for Smart Grid Northwest answers a key question: What exactly IS smart grid? And he provides 5 great reasons why it matters to all of us.

Wind prices hit new lows, solar panel glut disappears

by Seth Zuckerman on

Court rules for making the power grid friendlier to renewables, Western drought so bad that the mountains are rebounding, China's coal use actually declines, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions.

Warrior up! A totem pole journey against big coal

by Beth Doglio on

Lummi artist Jewell James has carved a new totem pole as an act of protest against coal and oil export in the Northwest. You can take part in the pole's journey from the Lummi's coastal homeland to the tar sands of Alberta.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act