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On the Cutting Edge with Oregon Communities

by Eileen V. Quigley on

The New Energy Cities joined close to 200 Oregon mayors and city managers in Bend, OR on January 22, 2013 at the Oregon Governor’s Cutting Edge Communities Symposium. 

Reclaiming Waste Energy

by Bobby Hayden on

Through public-private partnerships, the City of Bremerton's Public Utilities department was able to quickly upgrade their wastewater facility to run more efficiently and save the City money.

New Energy Cities Doing Carbon Math

by Elizabeth Willmott on

Cities account for 70 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which means that helping cities tackle GHG reduction is mission critical. At the New Energy Cities program, we work with small- to medium-sized Northwest cities to reduce carbon emissions by accelerating climate-smart, clean energy solutions in eco-mobility, renewable energy, highly efficient and intelligent buildings, and smart grid technology.  Here’s our approach:

On the Frontlines of City-Led Climate Solutions

by Eileen V. Quigley on

As 2013 gets underway, the United States continues to operate without national climate or energy policies, nor national carbon pricing.

Garbage Gone Green

by Bobby Hayden on

How a family-owned composting business transforms the Northwest garbage industry, captures carbon, changes consumer behavior and creates jobs.

Ecosystems capacity to store carbon in future depends on emissions reductions now

by Patrick Mazza on

How much carbon is stored in natural systems of the continental western US?  How much will be stored in future decades? A new US Geological Service survey provides some sobering answers.

Connections: meta sustainable

by Anonymous on

Dr. Sally Brown tells the story of a recent ‘meta-analysis’ – or a study of the studies -- of the impacts on soil carbon of organic farming. Sally, a University of Washington professor, writes a regular column in BioCycle magazine.

Four Generations of Green

by Bobby Hayden on

A multi-generational, family-owned dairy farm, shows that from local distribution of its products to turning methane into power at their new biodigester that they continue being an innovative leader in sustainability for 50 years.

I want my DHP!

by Bobby Hayden on

How the small town of Libby, Montana used energy efficiency to boost their local economy and save money on their electric bills.

Guest Blog: AB 32: Funding a greener, cleaner world while building jobs and a resilient, robust economy to boot

by Anonymous on

Imagine a world where we invest billions of dollars in improving ecosystem resilience to help combat climate change: conserving and restoring our forests, restoring wetlands, reweaving the landscape tapestry between urban forests, suburbs, farms and wildlands…all because doing so sucks up vast amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and provides pure oxygen in return… A fantasy, you say?

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act