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Support BLM, wildfire relief and COVID frontlines

by Ben Jones on

One thing we have learned from COVID19 is that bad things don’t happen in isolation. As the pandemic drags along, more than a million acres have already burned in California’s wildfire season. In the midst of a much needed national reckoning on racism, another Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot by police in Kenosha, WI. 

ClimateCast: A hot and heavy week in August

by Stephanie Noren on

Do Democrats oppose fossil fuel subsidies?

Why solving the climate crisis is more urgent than ever

by Gregg Small on

Does it sometimes seem like we're now living in a permanent state of emergency? Because we are. And our need for climate action is anything but a distraction.

Clean Trucks for Justice

by Victoria Paykar on

Our state needs to prioritize cleaning up the delivery trucks, transit and school buses, big rigs, and other commercial vehicles that make up the medium and heavy duty transportation sector.

For businesses, climate is really the bottom line

by Jonathan Lawson on

The next frontier for clean energy transition: clean buildings.

Stop Cuts to Oregon’s Rooftop Solar Rebate Program

by Jonathan Lee on

Oregon legislators have proposed cutting the state’s only support for many rural and low-income communities to access solar and energy storage for their own roofs.

Facebook: stop giving climate deniers a pass

by Gregg Small on

Facebook has been preventing its own fact-checkers from flagging climate disinformation in users' news feeds. That's wildly irresponsible.

Climate urgency: where are you on the spectrum?

by Jonathan Lawson on

Take a quick survey to see where you fit into the "six Americas" of climate change. Also: It was a bad week for the fossil fuel industry... and Time Magazine spotlights climate justice.

Facebook: stop hate for profit

by Climate Solutions on

Facebook needs to end its reluctance to curb hate speech... and stop giving climate misinformation a free pass.

Clean, climate-friendly buildings can help Oregon build back better

by Zach Baker on

We can rebuild and recover in a more just, clean, healthy, and smart way—while creating lots of high quality green jobs along the way. One of those climate-smart and equitable solutions to build back better than before is right in front of us, and all around us: our homes and other buildings.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act