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Bigger than all of us

by Gregg Small on

We will face this crisis by turning toward each other.

Roads ahead for clean transportation in Washington

by Leah Missik on

Washington must address the climate pollution that comes from our largest source of it—transportation. 

What happened to our climate leadership?

by Vlad Gutman-Britten on

Washington Senate Democrats allowed the most significant climate policy proposal this year—the Clean Fuel Standard—to languish and die.

2020 Washington State legislative session ends in climate failure

by Climate Solutions on

Washington Senate Democrats handed veto power to a small minority of its caucus, and failed to take action to cut transportation pollution—ignoring a priority of 66% of WA voters 

Oregon reclaims leadership on climate action

by Jonathan Lee on

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: After partisan delay and denial tactics in the Oregon Legislature, Governor Kate Brown stepped up and fulfilled her long-standing promise to take strong executive action to address the climate crisis.

Oregon reclaims leadership on bold climate action

by Zach Baker on

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has fulfilled her long-standing promise to take strong executive action to curb climate pollution. Learn more about what it does and why it matters.

Oregon’s legislature fails again to deliver on climate action

by Jonathan Lee on

Once again, a minority bloc of Republican lawmakers backed by big polluters – this time in both the Senate and the House – chose to break our democratic process by refusing to show up for work for weeks, many hiding out of state. This is not how democracy is supposed to work; Oregonians deserve better.

Talking about the coronavirus... and climate change

by Jonathan Lawson on

Coronavirus and climate; faux-grassroots vs. climate progress; legislative brinksmanship on clean energy

"We can no longer kick the can down the road" on clean fuels

by Climate Solutions on

A lengthy Senate Transportation Committee hearing highlighted the urgency for Washington to act on transportation emissions, benefits to rural communities and cleaner air quality, and the depth of community concern for well-being related to climate change.

Senate Transportation Committee next to consider WA Clean Fuels bill

by Climate Solutions on

Efforts to make available cleaner transportation fuels in Washington State move forward as bill passes out of a key Senate committee

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act