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Shifting electric cars and buses into high gear

by Jonathan Lee on

Oregon's legislature just established an ambitious statewide timeline for adopting zero-emission cars, buses, and commercial vehicles.

Shifting electric cars and buses into high gear

by Jonathan Lee on

Oregon's legislature just established an ambitious statewide timeline for adopting zero-emission cars, buses, and commercial vehicles.

Up for a debate? Try a climate conversation instead

by Kimberly Larson on

Climate conversations matter. Here's why, and some how-tos.

The next generation of climate activists is rising in Oregon

by Madeline Goodwin on

Next-generation science curriculum standards are just one reason why Oregon young people are ready for—in fact are demanding—climate leadership. They're stepping up, and won't be stepping back. 

City in a climate jam? Make it easier for folks to bike.

by Leah Missik on

It's simple: comprehensive, connected and safe bike networks reduce climate pollution by making it easier for people to choose cycling.

Climate debates (?) and climate consequences

by Devon Downeysmith on

How our politicians talk (or don't) about climate... states building towards 100% clean... climate emergency: time to stop making it worse... and what really happened in Oregon?

What Oregon's leaders got done (and didn't) for the climate

by Zach Baker on

Oregon’s 2019 legislative session will likely go down in history for what did not happen for the climate - and rightly so. 

Doing nothing is not an option

by Climate Solutions on

We are losing valuable time to address the climate crisis – to dramatically accelerate our state’s transition to a clean energy economy. We know the climate math; any further delay will require us to pass bigger and bolder policies to close the gap between our current trajectory and a healthy, livable future.

Oregon's Legislative session is done. We are not.

by Meredith Connolly on

Will Oregon be the state that ran away and hid from our climate responsibility, or will we reclaim our position of climate leadership?

A Chaotic week for Clean Energy Jobs

by Devon Downeysmith on

Clean energy politics got weird in Oregon this week. Not in a good way.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act