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Only YOU can prevent forest fires – confront the climate arsonists.

by KC Golden on

30 years ago, it would have been much easier to tackle the causes of climate disruption. That was then.  30 years from now, they might remember the fiery September of 2018 as the turning point toward solutions, when leaders confronted the challenge head-on at a historic summit in California. Or they might be in hell, wondering why we blew it.  

ClimateCast - Extreme heat and clean energy

by Devon Downeysmith on

It's the season of heat waves and wildfires again... and the human, environmental and economic costs are mounting worldwide.

Milwaukie City Council tells TriMet: time to embrace zero emission buses

by Zach Baker on

Milwaukie, OR has joined with Portland and Multnomah County, calling for transit agency TriMet to kick diesel and rapidly electrify their bus fleet! These local governments are ordering up clean air and climate stability, by paving the way to a 100% clean energy future.

Tell Puget Sound Energy: let's keep it clean--support I-1631

by Joëlle Robinson on

We don't have a minute to lose in taking action on climate in Washington—and we need our energy utilities to stand with us for clean air and a stable climate.

ClimateCast: Clear, clean skies obscured by stormy politics

by Devon Downeysmith on

The climate impacts of this American presidency. Despite which, there is plenty of good news to share on clean energy and international shifts away from fossil fuels!

ClimateCast: climate migration and clean energy news

by Devon Downeysmith on

Connections between the climate crisis and migration; Justice Kennedy's retirement; surging renewables and the race towards 100% clean energy. This week's ClimateCast is jam-packed with news you need to know.

Support electric buses – and double your gift!

by Gregg Small on

Your gift this week—matched by a generous donor—will help us push TriMet to accelerate its transition to 100% clean, electric buses. 

Pacific states get serious on climate

by Devon Downeysmith on

Climate leadership: Hawaii makes a major clean energy commitment; Fossil fuels divestment here, clean energy investment; and accounting for the cost of sea level rise.

Holding big oil accountable for decades of climate deception

by Kathy Washienko on

King County has joined other local governments across the country who are suing major oil companies who knew the cataclysmic consequences of carbon pollution, but kept misleading us all.

Celebrating a year of NW action on clean energy

by Devon Downeysmith on

Oregon's clean fuels standard and numerous communities' commitments to 100% clean energy show that our region is gaining momentum for climate action.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act