Latest News

Clean energy grows, makes fossil power less profitable

by Seth Zuckerman on

Worldwide electric car sales up 49 percent in first half of 2016, designers develop wearable solar cells, Canada to set a minimum national carbon price, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Washington unveils rules to reduce global warming pollution

by Climate Solutions on

"We appreciate Governor Inslee’s ongoing commitment to putting Washington on a path to a clean energy transition," said Climate Solutions' Vlad Gutman-Britten. "The Clean Air Rule is only the first step to creating a robust policy that drives pollution reduction and invests in creating tens of thousands of jobs in a new, sustainable economy."

Leaves are falling, but clean energy is on the rise in Oregon

by Gregg Small on

As the leaves begin to turn color, we’re proud of the beauty in Oregon and all that we have to protect. With incredible successes earlier this year and so much on the horizon, we’re excited about our trajectory.    

Coal power losing steam; feds plan for offshore wind

by Seth Zuckerman on

Obama administration halts Dakota pipeline, Uber tests self-driving cars and 18-wheelers, abandoned mine repurposed for solar power pumped storage, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

From the sea to Standing Rock: NW tribes hold the line against fossil fuels

by Jessie Dye on

The Lummi Nation's coal export fight in Washington strongly parallels the Standing Rock Sioux's fight against an oil pipeline in North Dakota.

Thousand-year dreaming: floods tell a climate story

by Derek Hoshiko and Erika Lundahl on

Even as drought and wildfire threaten agriculture, wildlife and air quality, other regions across North America are suffering the effects and aftereffects of intense flooding. As with wildfire, extreme flooding is also a story we must tell in the context of human-caused climate damage.

US & China ratify Paris pact, Dakota oil protest heats up

by Seth Zuckerman on

Grid in the eastern US could accommodate 30% renewable power, ‘sunny day’ coastal flooding already commonplace, UN body drafts rules to limit airline emissions, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

If the planet were a bank, we would have saved it already

by Jeff Johnson on

We know that we must transition away from fossil fuels, for the sake of our climate and our future. But we also have a responsibility to make sure that during the transition, workers and vulnerable communities are not left behind. That's why working people are standing up for a Just Transition. 

Cut climate pollution 40% by 2030? CA: “Yes, we will!”

by Seth Zuckerman on

Lummi bring totem pole to Sioux pipeline protest, sea-level rise may claim 1.9 million US homes by 2100, EV is to internal combustion as cell is to landline, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

Solar marks new low price, US gets first offshore wind

by Seth Zuckerman on

US finalizes fuel economy standards for big trucks, Louisiana floods made more likely by global warming, Washington rolls out smart grid pilot projects, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act