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Feds reject coal terminal to respect native treaty rights

by Seth Zuckerman on

Solar power spreads virally among neighbors; Commonwealth Edison wants price supports to keep running its nuclear plants; climatologists aren’t, uh, messing with you; and more news of the week in climate and clean energy. 

A Climate Motherhood Manifesto

by Kathy Washienko on

Mother’s Day is a great time to reflect on the role of women, especially us moms, in the fight against climate change; Bringing our mom voices together, persistently and loudly, may be our most important tool for moving climate progress forward.

Wildfire in the tar sands region—More than a humanitarian crisis

by Derek Hoshiko and Erika Lundahl on

Last year, we biked to Fort McMurray from Seattle. Now, what's left of it is in flames.

King County Council steps forward on clean-energy transit

by Vlad Gutman-Britten on

Last Monday, the King County Council unanimously passed a resolution sponsored by Councilmembers Dembowski and Kohl-Welles requesting a report on transitioning Metro to a zero emission or carbon neutral fleet. This is an exciting step in electrifying King County Metro’s substantial fleet, which includes over 1,500 buses that depend on diesel.

Saudis adopt post-oil plan, China halts 200 coal plants

by Seth Zuckerman on

South African concentrating solar plant generates round the clock, Ukraine marks Chernobyl anniversary, solar auction hits new low under 3 cents per kilowatt-hour, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Court agrees with these kids: Washington must curb pollution

by Ross Macfarlane and Taylor Halperin on

A group of Washington State youth known as the “climate kids” just won an important victory in their bid to force the state to protect their future from catastrophic climate change.

Momentum for Climate Action

by Elizabeth Willmott on

The past five years have brought a sea change in urban climate action: increased awareness of the critical role that local leaders play in carbon reduction; new capacity in local governments to tackle climate change; and a sharper focus on strategies that advance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation.

175 nations sign Paris pact; Senate passes energy bill

by Seth Zuckerman on

World Bank and IMF push countries toward carbon pricing, Tacoma gas-to-methanol proposal withdrawn, rail cars to store excess electricity, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.

Urban Clean Energy Pathways

by Elizabeth Willmott on

Cities are reducing climate pollution by investing in energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity grid innovation, and clean transportation.

Thanks to you, Earth Wins

by Joëlle Robinson on

Earth Day reflections on the love, tenacity and spirit in standing up to Big Coal and Oil

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act