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Lighting Up Paris

by KC Golden on

Darkness of the most desperate and terrifying kind descended on Paris in the November 13 attacks.  The world convenes now in the City of Light, with an ever more urgent and sober sense of the pressing need for global cooperation for peace and justice.

Regional climate promises pour in ahead of Paris talks

by Seth Zuckerman on

Alberta announces carbon tax, all UK coal plants to close by 2025, firms sign up for more than 2 gigawatts of green power so far this year, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions. 

The Path to Urban Carbon Reduction

by Elizabeth Willmott on

The international climate talks are a moment in time for forward-looking urban leaders to demonstrate the collective political will they have amassed for bold climate action, and to show how far they have already come in reducing carbon emissions.

Planning and preparing for climate change in the Northwest

by Bill Bradbury on

The NW Power and Conservation Council is preparing a new, 20-year plan for our region's power grid, with emphasis on increasing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. Find out what's in the draft report, and how you can weigh in.

Fossil projects face new hurdles from PDX to NYC

by Seth Zuckerman on

Testing how EVs can stabilize and feed the grid, zoning parts of the California desert for renewable power, funding climate work in the developing world, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Let's go, climate champions!

by Gregg Small and Kristen Sheeran on

We know it: the clean energy economy is inevitable, scalable and irresistible. The question is: can we bring it to fruition fast enough? With your help, WE CAN. Be a climate champion this month, and help us meet our goal!  

Cresting the hill

by KC Golden on

The power of our NO fueled our run to the top of the hill... the power of our YES will lead us on over it and beyond.

Building Diverse Coalitions beyond Climate

by Elizabeth Willmott on

Urban leaders are increasingly aligning their carbon reduction and clean energy agendas with other important community priorities—such as air quality, transportation, social equity, economic development, and climate change resilience. In doing so, they forge stronger and more diverse coalitions for climate action.  

Solar & wind beat coal price at Indian, Chilean auctions

by Seth Zuckerman on

Keystone victory confirms activists’ strategy, NY subpoena toughens inquiry for ExxonMobil, Texas utility offers free windpower at night, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

Sustainable Aviation Fuels: the dream nears reality

by Seth Zuckerman on

Powering commercial aviation with fuel made from cooking oil, wood chips, or garbage? These climate-friendly alternatives are closer to market than you might think.  

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act