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Remembering Lac-Mégantic—and other tragedies of our dependence on oil

by Jonathan Lawson on

It's been two years since the lethal Lac-Mégantic oil train catastrophe that killed 47 people. With oil-by-rail traffic hugely expanding through our own region—dozens of mile-long oil trains every day—future accidents would seem to be a certainty. This can't remain business as usual.

Green is the colo(u)r of growth: how the UK and Washington can lead on climate change

by Alison Conboy and Mark Caine on

December’s international climate talks will require substantial leadership from the countries at the negotiating table. But climate challenges cannot be solved by negotiators alone. Local and regional leadership – from Seattle to Bristol, California to Wales – will be critical in keeping our climate safe while realizing the benefits of the green economy.

Big Oil ups lobbying pressure in response to growing clean energy momentum

by Climate Solutions on

Despite support of business leaders, health, faith, labor, equity, and environmental groups, clean energy polices stall out

Green investment surging; rethinking weatherization

by Seth Zuckerman on

Oil drilling suspended in Canadian Arctic, clean fuel rule survives challenge in Oregon, New York State sets higher climate targets, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions

A last chance for clean fuels and public transit

by Alex Epstein on

Yesterday's agreement on Washington's transportation budget allowed a "poison pill" to stand, pitting transit funding against a clean fuels standard. This is a win for the oil industry, not Washington values. Public transit funding shouldn’t be held hostage against clean air.

WA Legislature must stand up to pressure from Big Oil

by Climate Solutions on

Undue influence from the oil industry is putting Washington’s health, climate, safety, and communities at risk. A diverse coalition is asking the State Legislature to stand up against the pressure.

After Lac-Mégantic: How many more communities must burn?

by Joëlle Robinson on

This weekend will mark the second anniversary of the Lac-Mégantic oil train disaster in Quebec —a derailment and explosion that killed 47 people on July 5, 2013. Let's make sure that no more communities have to experience such devastation. 

WA Legislature should stand up to pressure from Big Oil

by Climate Solutions on

A diverse coalition is calling on the State Legislature to stand up to the undue influence of the oil industry that is putting Washington’s health, climate, safety, and communities at risk.

Cities Get Clean Energy

by Elizabeth Willmott on

City leaders across the United States see that energy efficiency means not only carbon reduction but also good government and sound economic policy:

Clear air and good roads at odds no more

by Climate Solutions on

To pit clean air against safe roads is a false choice for Oregon; we need both, The Clean Fuels Program was crafted over seven years, and is the most cost efficient, effective way to grow jobs and provide every Oregonian with cleaner air.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act