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Climate Leaders Live: Clean and Safe Buildings with Electrification
August 13, 2020, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
This Event is part of our Climate Leaders Live series.

Slide presentation for download

In Washington State, emissions from buildings are growing at a faster rate than any other source of carbon pollution in Washington, with this increase largely attributable to the use of fossil gas in homes and buildings. Burning fossil gas in homes and buildings is not only a significant contributor to climate change, but also poses significant health risks for our communities, children, and other vulnerable populations. Many cities are increasingly looking at ensuring all new buildings are powered by electricity as a key cost-effective pathway for achieving their local or state greenhouse emissions goals.  Electrifying buildings is critical to addressing climate change, but it is also achievable, affordable, healthy, safe, and creates a more resilient energy system. 

This webinar looked at at the use of gas in buildings, its impacts on our health and climate, and the prospects and implications of phasing it out.



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