photo of solar panels, wind turbines, and power lines against sky with sunrise
Climate Leaders Live: Deep dive on 100% Clean Electricity in PNW
September 29, 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
This Event is part of our Climate Leaders Live series.

At the very end of June, the Oregon Legislature passed one of the strongest and most equitable 100% clean grid laws in the country. Oregon now joins Washington State who two years ago passed the Clean Energy Transformation Act, a policy that is one of the strongest in the country for transitioning the grid to be carbon-free while prioritizing environmental justice and good paying jobs. Now, more and more places are joining the commitment to 100% clean—including Illinois just last week. Will the federal government act too?  

Tune in for this special Climate Leaders Live webinar on Wednesday 9/29 at 12 pm PT.

We’ll zoom out to look at the region’s clean energy transition, what went down in Oregon to make this happen, how it’s going implementing the forward-thinking law in Washington State, and what it means for Congress catching up with the climate math.  

Featured speakers:

  • Indi Namkoong, Coalition Manager, 350PDX and member of Oregon’s Clean Energy Opportunity Campaign  
  • Mathew Hepner, Executive Director of the Certified Electrical Workers of Washington
  • Quentin Scott, Federal Campaign Coordinator, Chesapeake Climate Action Network 
  • Meredith Connolly, Oregon State Director, Climate Solutions
  • Vlad Gutman-Britten, Washington State Director, Climate Solutions 



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