climate leaders live mar 17 speakers image
Climate Leaders Live: Solutions From the States with CO, IL, and WA
March 17, 2022, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
This Event is part of our Climate Leaders Live series.


States have long been leading on climate action and it’s not just the West Coast. Lots of states are going big on climate and clean energy and they’re passing policies with the help of extraordinary coalitions. Our next Climate Leaders Live will focus on this new era of deep and diverse coalitions and implementing significant climate policy and take a look at how this real progress compares and complements across the country. Join Gregg Small for a moderated conversation with Kelly Nordini (Conservation Colorado), Delmar Gillus (Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition), and David Mendoza (The Nature Conservancy WA) as we discuss cutting carbon, creating jobs, and addressing equity. 



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