GLOBE 2014 - Vancouver, BC
Vancouver, BC

GLOBE™  is about taking responsibility.  Forging new partnerships.  Thinking outside the box.  It’s where leaders come to devise winning strategies to conserve precious resources, save money, and meet people that can help them be more profitable, more efficient, and protect the planet while doing so.  GLOBE is where it all happens.  Where it’s always happened, every two years since 1990.

For the last 24 years, GLOBE has been at the forefront of new ideas and insights on business and sustainability. It has helped corporations understand and embed sustainability into their operations, influenced the international debate on climate change, and developed the global marketplace for environmental and energy technologies and services.  GLOBE continues to draw the ‘best and brightest’ of the international sustainable business community, making it an utterly unsurpassed networking opportunity.

In a world filled with risk and uncertainty, GLOBE 2014 will provide provocative insights on the world’s most pressing issues around business and the environment. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity to find out how to position your organization best in order to survive and thrive, both now and over the coming decade.

GLOBE 2014 will offer:

  • In-Depth Review of challenging issues at the nexus between people, planet, and profit
  • Critical Insights from more than 150 speakers and innovators
  • Active Participation through new interactive sessions, workshops, and networking
  • Real World Take-Aways including important lessons, innovative solutions, and valuable new tools

More information about this event…


If you have questions about making your year-end donation to Climate Solutions, please contact Savitha Reddy Pathi, Deputy Director, at 206-854-6630.


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