International Conference and Workshop on Transactive Energy
World Trade Center, Portland

The GridWise® Architecture Council and Smart Grid Northwest are pleased to announce that the Third International Conference and Workshop on Transactive Energy will be held May 17 through May 19th, 2016, in Portland, Oregon, at the World Trade Center.

The conference and workshops will bring together representatives of government, industry, utilities, vendor organizations and academia who have an interest in advancing transactive energy—an approach that combines economic and control techniques to improve power grid reliability and efficiency. 

The event will host a variety of worthwhile activities for energy professionals, policy makers and anyone interested in the value revolution of intelligent electricity. The conference will feature keynote talks from energy industry leaders, international expert panels, presentations of selected papers on topics critical to the success of transactive energy. There will also be four different interactive workshops where attendees can discuss and develop answers to important questions about the future of intelligent electricity.

Pricing for the two-day conferece is as follows:

Regular Admission - $675
Government, Non-Profit, and Academia - $300
Full-Time Student - $275

Click here to register.



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