Staff Alumni
Nina Byers
former intern, Communications


As a rising senior at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, Nina interning with Climate Solutions’ Communications team during the summer of 2015. At Hamilton, Nina is pursuing a degree in Comparative Literature with minors in Geoscience and History. She is interested in renewable energy law and, at Climate Solutions, hopes to deepen her understanding of effective communication when it comes to galvanizing a community for environmental justice.

Nina’s explored her enthusiasm for the environment via her role as a leader for her college’s freshman orientation program. Leaders take incoming freshman on outdoor trips backpacking and canoeing through the Adirondacks, working to inspire respect and care for the environment and each other. She has also worked with Hamilton’s Global Health Organization, in which students strive to raise awareness of public health issues across the world. Beyond Hamilton, Nina has been both a camper and counselor at Alford Lake Camp, in Maine, where similar values of environmental stewardship are reinforced daily.

Nina has dabbled with radio as a disc jockey at Hamilton and loves rowing, hiking, climbing, biking, fishing, and Frisbee. While she has spent her entire life on the east coast, she is eager to pursue these activities in the west.


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