Rep. Debra Lekanoff


Washington State Representative Debra Lekanoff is a Mom and a community member of this beautiful place we all call home. She has served as the Swinomish Governmental Affairs Director for the past 16 years and for six years as Chair of an Alaska Native Village Corporation.

Her career has provided her with the opportunity to engage on vast issues and layers of government at international, federal, state, and tribal levels and to work towards our shared vision of clean water for our families and our fish and wildlife.

She is committed to the strength of our communities and believes we all have a role to help this place be sustainable. She says, "we are the people of the Salish Sea, whether we call ourselves environmentalists, business and industry leaders, farmers, fishermen, grandmothers or advocates." As a state representative, she works to protect our natural resources, provide a high-quality education four our children, and to strengthen financial support and stability for our community.


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