Nəc’aʔmat Alliance Gathering to Protect the Salish Sea
Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center

Join us to help protect the sacredness of the Salish Sea! The purpose of this historic gathering is to address the threats fossil fuel transport pose against Coast Salish territories and waters, including the proposed expansion of the Kinder Morgan Alberta Tar Sands pipelines, tankers. We will also enjoy a great Salmon Bake with fresh Sockeye, corn and salad.

This gathering will launch the Nəc’aʔmat (Nawtsamaat) Alliance for Protecting and Restoring the Sacredness of the Salish Sea, a new cross-border coalition in which Climate Solutions is proud to stand alongside native and non-native allies. One meaning of the Coast Salish word Nəc’aʔmat is: "One House. One Heart. One Prayer. United in Power to Protect the Sacred!" 

All members of the Human Family are warmly invited. Learn more about the Nawtsamaat Alliance and the upcoming Four Days of Action in support of the International Treaty to Protect the Sacredness of the Salish Sea.



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