Race and Climate Justice
Therapeutic Health Services, Seattle

People of color and white people bring complementary strengths for advancing climate justice.  Given the impact of racism and internalized racism on us all,  working in  separate caucuses periodically can elicit the best thinking from each group.  

At this event, we will have two separate Caucuses, people who self-identify as being of color (i.e. part of the global majority) and people who self-identify as white (i.e. part of the U.S. majority).  The content of each caucus will be guided by facilitators.  The goal is to share personal and organizational impacts of internalized racial superiority and to advance actions towards equality.  

Each caucus will use a unique racial lens to have the discussion.  The intent is to refine our desire to work well together into concrete ways we can pursue multiple paths, targeting different  areas where we each have strengths, and working together with the broadest impact to expand the number of people that want to build Race Equity with the goal of achieving Climate Justice.  

The event is FREE but you must RSVP to save your space!  (space is limited to the first 50 people who sign-up)



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