Big oil met its match: you.

In this real-life David versus Goliath story, we—all of us—scored an important victory against the oil company making plans to build what would be the largest oil-by-rail terminal in the nation. The fight is not over yet, but this win shows that people have the power to stand up to big oil!

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Tar sands and oil trains and Shell, oh my!

A new report reveals that the Pacific Northwest is the next frontier of the tar sands invasion. Desperate for routes to get their crude oil from land-locked Alberta to refineries and export markets, the tar sands industry has its sights set on our communities and coastline.

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Breakfast Series | Another Washington Research Gem: PNNL

Is your technology business looking for a door to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory?  The Economic Development Office at PNNL is here to help you start, grow, or relocate your business. We help you tap into technology experts, facilities, and other resources available at the Laboratory...some at no cost to you.  We've helped more than 400 companies in our region and 100 more nationwide.  Our goals: to expand the economy's technology sector and create high-value jobs.

This zombie coal dock will now stay dead

Northwesterners can rest easy now that the threat of the zombie coal dock-pocalypse is over! The $2 million dollars public subsidy that Big Coal was trying to gain, and gain again, to build a dirty coal dock on the Columbia River at Port Westward was rejected (again) last week, and the funds reallocated to a public transit project instead.

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Oregon's climate change-fighting forests

Oregon has a lot of forests, and great conditions for growing long-lived trees, and those forests store a lot of carbon. Aggressive and unsustainable logging of those forests can contribute heavily to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. 

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