Fuel Gauge

Clean Fuels at risk in Oregon

Oregon is at risk of moving backwards on climate change. The Oregon Senate is working behind closed doors on a plan to weaken the Clean Fuels program so significantly that it could effectively kill the program.  Let's stop that from happening. 

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What did you do, once you knew?

What makes people take an afternoon or a day off work just to say NO to what would be the largest oil-by-rail terminal in North America? What would make them drive hours through the night to attend a public hearing? For one thing, love for their great-great grandchildren.

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Hope, community and clean energy

Submitted by Gregg Small on

Good jobs, vital communities and clean energy are the way forward as we transition away from the pollution, health risks and climate damage of the fossil fuel era. Majora Carter inspired us with storytelling at Climate Solutions' annual breakfast.

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