From the Pacific to Paris and back

The Paris Agreement sets the stage for the immediate future of coordinated, international climate action. Much of the actual progress will depend on local and regional action; every Northwest oil terminal abandoned, ton of coal left in ground, and solar panel installed, fuels the ambition of the U.S., Canada, and therefore countries around the world to meet and exceed our carbon-reduction goals. 


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A New chapter begins for climate action

For the first time ever, all the nations of the world have made a significant commitment to solving the climate crisis. This agreement will not solve the problem alone, but it puts in place a framework of global action that gives us a fighting chance.

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Cities act on climate: the power of hope

Today in Portland, five west coast mayors announced aggressive commitments to aggressive action on both climate change and equity. The announcement comes directly after a Paris gathering of international mayors talking climate change; it also closely follows the groundbreaking climate resolutions passed last month in Portland. Here's the story of how those resolutions came to be.

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The future is now for zero-emissions driving

Seattle is at the leading edge of a great and challenging shift, decoupling transportation from fossil fuel consumption. Electric vehicles will continue to displace gas-powered cars as long as prices drop and charging infrastructure expands to meet the demand. NRG EVgo is part of the push to get 3.3 million EVs on the road by 2025.

Read More PDX Road through Paris - Portland March for Climate Justice

SAVE THE DATE: December 12th, the day after the UN Paris Climate Talks end, people all across the world are taking to the streets to make sure the people, not the politicians, have the last word. Regardless of what gets decided in Paris, we know that climate leadership is coming from the ground up with the grassroots and cities leading the way.

In Portland, things are shaping up for a great event!

Let's go, climate champions!

We know it: the clean energy economy is inevitable, scalable and irresistible. The question is: can we bring it to fruition fast enough? With your help, WE CAN. Be a climate champion this month, and help us meet our goal!  

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Building Diverse Coalitions beyond Climate

Urban leaders are increasingly aligning their carbon reduction and clean energy agendas with other important community priorities—such as air quality, transportation, social equity, economic development, and climate change resilience. In doing so, they forge stronger and more diverse coalitions for climate action.  

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Climate Change in the Context of the World Environmental Crisis

The Climate Action Team of University Unitarian Church is presenting a series of distinguished lecturers talking about how climate change will affect us locally, globally, and spiritually. On the first Tuesday of every month from October, 2015, through April, 2016, we will have the opportunity to hear an expert discussing a different aspect of climate change in our present and our future.