Busy beavers building natural carbon storage
Outside of humans, beavers have more impact on landscapes than virtually any other species. Now a new study reveals those hardworking animals not only build dams but biocarbon storage as well.
Outside of humans, beavers have more impact on landscapes than virtually any other species. Now a new study reveals those hardworking animals not only build dams but biocarbon storage as well.
The President’s groundbreaking speech on climate change was an historic step to follow up on his message to Congress that if they don’t take action on climate change, he will. But will he now follow suit by taking even bolder actions on forests?
By preserving and expanding areas of coastal vegetation such as mangroves, sea grass beds, and marshes, we can mitigate some of the effects in burning fossil fuels and turn the tide on our rising greenhouse gas emission
The only way back to Target 350 is to stop putting so much carbon pollution in the air and at the same time to remove a lot of the accumulated carbon from the air.
A conversation between Chad Kruger, Director of WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and
Urban green infrastructure is increasingly seen as an effective way to meet regulatory obligations for control of polluted runoff or high stormwater flows, while also generating an array of ecosystem service co-benefits.
Tidal wetlands provide great potential to sequester and store greenhouse gases. Restore Americas Estuaries and EarthCorps are investigating the carbon sequestration value of tidal wetlands.
Australia is launching one of the most ambitious ‘blue carbon’ mapping projects ever. ‘Blue carbon’ is the capture and storage of carbon pollution from the atmosphere in ocean plants and sediments on the seabed.
Dr. Nadkarni is a forest ecologist, sometimes known as “Queen of the Forest Canopy” for her pioneering work in understanding the ecological dynamics up in the treetops. She is also incredibly creative and committed to fostering public understanding of science and nature.