Washington State's climate leadership: prospects and priorities
Climate action at the state and local level has never been more important than now.
Climate action at the state and local level has never been more important than now.
Samoan island to be 100% solar powered, sea level rise starting to affect coastal Florida real estate prices, clean energy gets small-town support, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.
In 2017, climate and clean energy successes will be driven at the local, state, and regional levels. In the months ahead we must be ready to move forward boldly, and with steadfast ambition. Here are some simple ways you can help.
Marrakech delegates reckon with a Trump presidency, Monterey County bans fracking, children’s public-trust climate lawsuit moves forward, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.
Washingtonians are ready for climate action. Having more voices and interests actively engaged in shaping climate action doesn’t make our task simpler, but it does make it more likely we’ll succeed. That’s an affirmation of the climate movement’s progress and a tremendously hopeful sign for the work ahead.
Reverend Patton discusses the sacredness of standing against the fossil fuel companies raiding Earth’s sacred burial grounds of carbon, and with native tribes to protect all that makes life possible for every creature that writhes, wiggles, swims, flies, or walks on legs.
“Climate solutions” aren’t just about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We need to wage and win a clean energy revolution, to go all the way to a clean energy future. But in an economy rife with inequality and insecurity, such a sweeping transition is hard for most folks to contemplate.
Over the coming several years, more than half of Washington’s emissions will come from the transportation sector. Let's vote YES on Sound Transit Proposition 1, and invest in transporation solutions that will mean less pollution, and help move the needle on climate change.
Climate gets a cameo in the presidential race, Oregon utility to try burning biomass in Boardman coal plant, federal loan guarantees boosted utility-scale PV, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.
Climate pollution from international flights to be capped, two oil terminals halted in WA and CA, home air-conditioner makes ice while the sun shines on your rooftop PVs, and more news of the week in climate and clean energy.