Listed below are all articles tagged with "coastal wetlands"


  • Seagrass

    Blue carbon turning the tide on greenhouse gas emissions

    By preserving and expanding areas of coastal vegetation such as mangroves, sea grass beds, and marshes, we can mitigate some of the effects in burning fossil fuels and turn the tide on our rising greenhouse gas emission


  • coastal wetland

    Blue carbon goes big Down Under

    Australia is launching one of the most ambitious ‘blue carbon’ mapping projects ever.  ‘Blue carbon’ is the capture and storage of carbon pollution from the atmosphere in ocean plants and sediments on the seabed.


coastal wetland

Blue carbon goes big Down Under

Submitted by Rhys Roth on

Australia is launching one of the most ambitious ‘blue carbon’ mapping projects ever.  ‘Blue carbon’ is the capture and storage of carbon pollution from the atmosphere in ocean plants and sediments on the seabed.

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