Tesoro-Savage Oil Terminal Public Hearings
Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds

Stand against Tesoro’s reckless oil terminal proposal

For years, you’ve been part of a growing movement throughout the Pacific Northwest to oppose dirty, dangerous fossil fuel projects—from coal export to oil-by-rail terminals.  On January 5, we’re coming together again to oppose the proposal for the biggest oil-by-rail terminal in North America.

Tesoro-Savage’s unprecedented and reckless proposal for an oil terminal in Vancouver, WA is drawing lots of opposition. Already, Columbia River tribes have come out in against it, along with local longshoremen, firefighters, business leaders, health professionals, climate activists, neighborhood associations, faith leaders, the City of Spokane, the City of Vancouver, and a clear majority of local voters.

At 360,000 barrels per day, Tesoro Savage’s Vancouver project would ship almost half as much crude oil as the entire Keystone XL Pipeline.  This “pipeline on rails” would bring four or more mile-long trains carrying explosive crude oil through Spokane, along the Columbia River Gorge, and into Vancouver every day. 

When oil trains derail, they can spill and explode. We have already seen these devastating accidents across North America. Let’s work together to stop it from happening here.

Washington’s Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) just released its draft environmental review.  We need your help to make sure that Governor Inslee and EFSEC consider all the risks from this project – and reject what would be the largest oil-by-rail terminal in North America. 

Will you add your voice to the growing consensus against this oil terminal?

We need you to join us on January 12, 2016 to pack the hearing room. [http://www.standuptooil.org/tesoro-savage/]




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