- Business climate champions flex muscles for clean fuels
by Ross Macfarlane on
The US’s leading group of large businesses concerned about climate and clean energy action today asked Washington State leaders to adopt a Clean Fuel Standard.
- Renewable energy will not be misunderestimated
by Seth Zuckerman on
New wave of fuel-cell cars poised to hit U.S. market, students and alumni occupy college offices calling for divestment, jet fuel from tobacco, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.
- Shell No! Rally in Seattle April 26
by Joëlle Robinson on
They’re headed right for us! Shell’s massive Arctic drilling climate catastrophe rigs are just days away from arriving in Seattle.
- Earth Day: Climate Action Festival
Celebrate Earth Day in Seattle with the Yes Men, Denis Hayes, Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen, Mayor Ed Murray and KC Golden.
- Knowledge is power...and money
by Jenna Garmon on
Would you buy a car without knowing how fuel-efficient it is? What about a building? Check out how Portland is making buildings' energy-efficiency data public, and why that's expected to reduce carbon emissions and save money for both owners and tenants.
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Brighter Tomorrows: 2023 Annual Report
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