- Choosing our adventure: Puget Sound's transportation future
by Leah Missik on
We need to plan for more electric cars, trucks and buses, but we also need to make it possible to get around by walking, rolling, and transit—and reduce the amount we need to drive in the first place.
- Climate emergency declarations call for clean energy solutions
by Devon Downeysmith on
Scientists answer Trump's Paris withdrawal by declaring a climate emergency. Meanwhile, every day presents more reasons to leave fossil fuels behind and embrace clean solutions.
- Washington election results: setbacks, motivation, and why we need a Clean Fuel Standard
by Leah Missik on
Tuesday’s results were disappointing, but we’re determined to continue fighting for our climate, our health, and our communities. Join us in supporting a strong clean fuel standard!
- We ♥ clean fuels and local climate leadership!
by Joëlle Robinson on
The Puget Sound region has a huge opportunity to clean our air and fight climate change—by enacting a Clean Fuel Standard. Let's encourage our Regional Council to follow through!
- FILED: 100% clean air ballot initiatives
by Jonathan Lee on
Earlier this week, our coalition of partners officially filed critical climate protection ballot measures with the Oregon Secretary of State's office, having collected twice as many signatures as needed to qualify.
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Brighter Tomorrows: 2023 Annual Report
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