• Oregon GOP Walkout Threatens Climate Progress AGAIN

    by Meredith Connolly on

    By denying quorum for the state Senate to do business, Oregon's Senate Republicans have ground all progress in the Oregon legislature — and even the state budget — to a halt. The state’s climate agenda hangs in the balance among many other critical priorities.

  • Can't quite beat the heat

    by Stephanie Noren on

    Induced paralysis in the Oregon State Legislature: here we go again. Plus record-setting heat across the PNW, breaching 1.5C of global temperature rise, and more in this week's ClimateCast

  • No reason to delay climate action on buildings in WA

    by Deepa Sivarajan on

    Washington State's building industry is now trying to take that win away by asking the State Building Code Council to delay implementing the codes set to go into effect on July 1, 2023.

  • Hey Oregon, Speak up for Building Resilience! Email your Legislator

    by Meredith Connolly on

    We think you’ll agree: Every single Oregonian deserves to be protected from the climate crisis.  This session, lawmakers have the power to move us toward that reality. By passing the Resilient, Efficient Buildings package, we can reduce climate pollution from our homes and buildings, protect families from extreme temperatures and wildfire smoke, and lower skyrocketing utility bills. 

  • Speak up for Climate Action! Email your Legislator in Oregon

    by Meredith Connolly on

    Did you know the Oregon Legislature hasn’t updated our state climate goals in over 15 years? We’ve fallen out of step with the Paris Climate Accord’s ambitions to keep the world below 1.5-degree warming. Washington, California and other states have updated their climate targets to be in line with what science demands, but Oregon still has not.

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