Like clean air? Then let's bring clean fuels to the Puget Sound region.

Four million. That’s how many people turned out worldwide for the climate strikes last month. Now, we have a great near-term chance to turn that call to action into real results, cut climate pollution from our transportation sector, and move beyond oil. 

The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency has proposed a regional Clean Fuel Standard rule for King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap counties that would clean our air, give us more clean fuels choices, and create economic development opportunities by reducing the carbon intensity of fuels 25% by 2030.
Your input is essential for cleaner air and cutting climate pollution from our transportation sector!
Transportation is responsible for nearly half of our climate and air pollution in Washington. While we are already experiencing climate impacts close to home, we have a window to accelerate big solutions and rapidly transition to electricity and cleaner fuels to move people and goods around in our communities. We know the oil industry hates this idea, since they have a monopoly on our fuel sources and don’t want that to change. 
Let the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency know that you support them adopting a strong Clean Fuel Standard.
A Clean Fuel Standard is proven to improve health and is working in Oregon, California, and British Columbia. Leading health professionals support a Clean Fuel Standard because it will reduce harmful air pollution and mean fewer lost work days due to asthma attacks and other respiratory illnesses. Implementing this rule can save up to $45 million in avoided deaths, and the potential for billions of dollars in other avoided public health costs. This is especially essential in communities of color and lower income neighborhoods often hit harder by transportation pollution and the burning of fossil fuels.
We need to continue to do big, bold things on climate in Washington. With our state on the pathway to a 100% clean grid, we can electrify most of our transportation sector and transition everything else to cleaner fuels. We will continue working hard to make sure that our state legislature follows through on their unfinished business and passes a statewide Clean Fuel Standard in the 2020 legislative session. But right now, it’s vital that residents engage on this bold policy through the regional process.
Please take a moment to let the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) know you are with them
Finally, mark your calendars for a big PSCAA hearing on Dec.19th at the Washington State Convention Center. Details coming!


Author Bio

Joelle Robinson
Joëlle Robinson

Washington Field Director, Climate Solutions

Joëlle engages community members and diverse constituencies—faith, health, youth, parents, business—to make their voices heard for climate solutions. She led the team of organizers to ensure we stopped any coal export from the U.S. West Coast over the past decade. On offense, she co-led the Field team to help pass the 100% Clean Electricity (Clean Energy Transition Act in 2019) and in 2022 collaborated with the Field team to ensure that all new buildings (commercial and residential) will be built with heat pumps per the State Building Code Council. She continues to conspire for good with them on many other local and state initiatives.

Joëlle was the Regional Outreach Coordinator of National Wildlife Federation where she focused on mobilizing hunters, anglers and concerned citizens around solutions to global warming. Previous work with Climate Solutions includes the NW Climate Connections partnership, serving as the Field Assistant for the successful Clean Cars campaign, and Field Director of the Renewable Fuel Standard, which passed in April 2006.

She previously served on the boards of Earth Ministry, Solar Washington, and Sierra Club Executive Committee. She’s currently President of the board of her 3 year-old!

Joëlle is Northwest born and raised who loves to hike, dance, travel and explore the natural world.

Her favorite quote is “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” —  Mary Oliver

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