Avista is seeking to increase gas bills to expand the gas system when they should be shrinking it.
Oregon has climate goals requiring gas utilities to slash pollution by 90% by 2050. However, Avista, a gas utility that operates widely in Southern Oregon, is in front of the Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC), seeking to raise an additional $10.9 million a year, resulting in an average 8.1% increase in residential gas bills.
This comes on the heels of an 18% increase just last year. They are proposing that gas customers foot the bill for, among other things, continued spending on expanding the gas system and paying subsidies for new customers to hook up to the system when we know that the gas pipeline system must shrink to meet Oregon's climate goals.
What can you do about it?
Avista has asked the OPUC to approve this rate hike, and the Commission needs to hear from all of us before making the decision. Please weigh in via public testimony during the hearing on June 7th at 6 pm. For details about how to testify, you can use this testimony guide.
If you can’t make this hearing, you can email your thoughts to PUC.PublicComments@puc.oregon.gov (subject line: Attn.: UG 461).
Info for Hearing:
When: Wednesday, June 7th, 6-7 pm
Where: https://puc-oregon-gov.zoomgov.com/j/1613282277?pwd=Qko4c2J5cE81blNhT200M2hpSXRUUT09
Alternatively, you can dial in via phone:
Phone Number: 1 669 254 5252
Webinar ID: 161 328 2277
Passcode: 6215321238
For more info, see: https://edocs.puc.state.or.us/efdocs/HCG/ug461hcg144425.pdf