Every two years, Oregon’s top budget writers tour the state to hear from community members about which programs and services should be funded. With all the chaos and uncertainty being unleashed at the federal level, this couldn’t be a more critical moment.
The first event in the legislature’s statewide budget roadshow is this Saturday, March 22nd, from 10 am - 12 pm at Mt. Hood Community College Theater in Gresham. If you’re local to the Portland area, please take the time to register today to speak at this Saturday’s public hearing! Simply click “register to testify” and fill out the form with your information; select “Other” as your topic area and write in “Climate” as the description.
Not sure what to say? Check out this testimony worksheet to help guide your talking points! Not in the Portland area? See below for the complete list of budget roadshow dates and locations to find a stop nearest to you! Want to make your voice heard but not able to make it in person?
You can submit written testimony here.
Oregon legislators must step up and protect our climate now, ensuring all families have access to clean air and water, protection from wildfires and other climate disasters, and relief from sky-high utility bills. But with a lot of priorities to balance, legislators need to hear from Oregonians like you.
With the onslaught of federal rollbacks underway, Oregon’s leadership in delivering climate progress is more important than ever. As Oregon families struggle with rising utility bills and worsening climate disasters, we need Oregon legislators to invest in a healthy climate future.
We need you in our fight for the future of our climate. Can we count on you to speak up at a budget roadshow near you?
You can submit written testimony here.
Road Show Dates and Times
Click a city to RSVP and sign up to testify, then check out this Testimony Worksheet to guide your talking points!
- Gresham: Saturday, March 22, 10 am-12 pm, Mt. Hood Community College Theater, 26000 S.E. Stark St.
- Astoria: Friday, March 28, 5-7 pm, Liberty Theatre Astoria, 1203 Commercial St.
- Warm Springs: Friday, April 4, 5-7 pm, Old Warm Springs Elementary School, 1112 Wasco St.
- La Grande: Friday, April 11, 5-7 pm, Eastern Oregon University, Hoke Union Building #339, 1 University Blvd.
- Salem (Virtual Testimony Prioritized): Wednesday, April 16, 5-7 pm, State Capitol, Hearing Room F
- Klamath Falls: Friday, April 25, 5-7 pm, Klamath Community College, Building 4 Commons, 7390 South 6th St.