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Oregon Legislature considers paths to a clean energy economy

by Kristen Sheeran on

Climate Solutions spoke up in Salem this week, weighing in on three different carbon-reduction proposals that could shift our environment and our economy from pollution to prosperity.

EPA power rules may bring carbon trading to Midwest

by Seth Zuckerman on

New project will store excess solar power as hydrogen and renewable gas, Vancouver aims to be carbon-free by 2050, 23 gigawatts of coal plants to retire this year, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions.

85 Million of your tax dollars...for coal export?

by Joëlle Robinson on

A coal export proposal in southwest Washington would be a bad deal for us from pollution, traffic and climate perspectives. Moreover, unless we act now, it could cost taxpayers $85 million dollars. 

US pledges carbon cuts while CA shrivels in drought

by Seth Zuckerman on

New solar and wind employment outpaces coal industry’s job losses, Ontario opts for cap-and-trade, yeast from sake-making may boost biofuels, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions. 

Mexico, Norway pledge cuts in run-up to Paris talks

by Seth Zuckerman on

U.S. coal sector in ‘structural decline,’ sea level rise could pop $1.4 trillion real estate bubble, UK climate emissions drop 8 percent, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions. 

The Washington State House budget needs climate action

by Jessica Finn Coven on

Our state budget should hold emitters accountable and invest in Washington communities. Our state budget should include the Carbon Pollution Accountability Act.

Statement in response to Washington House proposed budget

by Jonathan Lawson on

“We are committed to working with the Legislature to account for the price of carbon in our economy,” said Jessica Finn Coven, Washington State Director for Climate Solutions.

Six months on... the people's climate march continues

by Isamu Sims on

Six months ago this week, the People's Climate March in New York marked a turning point for grassroots climate action worldwide. It also left a mark on many individual participants. Here, a friend of Climate Solutions shares his memories of that special day.

This zombie coal dock will now stay dead

by Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky on

Northwesterners can rest easy now that the threat of the zombie coal dock-pocalypse is over! The $2 million dollars public subsidy that Big Coal was trying to gain, and gain again, to build a dirty coal dock on the Columbia River at Port Westward was rejected (again) last week, and the funds reallocated to a public transit project instead.

Renew Oregon! Broad new coalition shows demand for climate action

by Kristen Sheeran on

There is no bigger fight than the one we’re waging for the future of the climate. We already feel the effects of extreme storms, drought and record-breaking wildfires. We’re the last generation that can do anything to reverse it. 

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act