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Tar sands and oil trains and Shell, oh my!

by Ross Macfarlane on

A new report reveals that the Pacific Northwest is the next frontier of the tar sands invasion. Desperate for routes to get their crude oil from land-locked Alberta to refineries and export markets, the tar sands industry has its sights set on our communities and coastline.

PV power surging ahead — no thanks to Moore’s Law

by Seth Zuckerman on

Biologists tally bird deaths at power tower, Tesla to offer home battery plus solar panels you can lease, Obama finds his climate anger, and more stories of the week in clean energy solutions. 

Cities aim to go all renewable

by Elizabeth Willmott on

Local governments and utilities in the Northwest are making great strides to meet the challenge of providing affordable, renewable energy, This news digest from our New Energy Cities program highlights some current examples.

Something good lurking in the FOG: Gresham turns waste into watts

by Jenna Garmon on

Sometimes good things lurk in the FOG. In this case, FOG is a waste product—fats, oils, and grease—and it’s a major reason why the City of Gresham was able to turn its wastewater treatment plant from an energy hog into the first net zero energy plant in the Pacific Northwest.

Update: Climate Mission Supersession

by Kristen Sheeran on

Whew! We’ve made it to the halfway point in Oregon’s marathon legislative session. Time to take a deep breath, reflect, and scope the path to the finish line.

Business climate champions flex muscles for clean fuels

by Ross Macfarlane on

The US’s leading group of large businesses concerned about climate and clean energy action today asked Washington State leaders to adopt a Clean Fuel Standard. 

Renewable energy will not be misunderestimated

by Seth Zuckerman on

New wave of fuel-cell cars poised to hit U.S. market, students and alumni occupy college offices calling for divestment, jet fuel from tobacco, and more news of the week in clean energy solutions. 

Shell No! Rally in Seattle April 26

by Joëlle Robinson on

They’re headed right for us! Shell’s massive Arctic drilling climate catastrophe rigs are just days away from arriving in Seattle.  

Knowledge is power...and money

by Jenna Garmon on

Would you buy a car without knowing how fuel-efficient it is?  What about a building? Check out how Portland is making buildings' energy-efficiency data public, and why that's expected to reduce carbon emissions and save money for both owners and tenants.

We all spoke up - and Washington legislators listened

by Joëlle Robinson on

A public outcry prompted elected officials to say no to an $85 million giveaway to Big Coal. Let's thank them for doing the right thing!

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act