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Renewable standards turn out to be a bargain

by Seth Zuckerman on

The surprising role of deep-sea fishes in sequestering carbon, Tesla opens up its patents, Volkswagen brings a 260-mpg car to market, and much more.

Obama on cynicism: “Boo.” On hope: “Yay.”

by KC Golden on

President Obama is right:  cynicism is toxic to climate solutions.  But it can’t be cured just by naming it.  He has to fight it.

“When push comes to shove.” When is that, anyway?

by KC Golden on

Climate action is where we need a president to show, not tell.

EPA electricity rule reverberates

by Seth Zuckerman on

The ins and outs of Obama’s carbon cap for power plants, a touching  essay on the climate generation gap, a take-down of “Solar Freakin’ Roadways,” and much more.

Getting the carbon out of electricity

by Seth Zuckerman on

Europe backs away from food-based biofuels, Google unveils self-driving cars, the race between a biker and Car2Go, and many more tales of climate and clean energy

Welcome to the Climate Fight, USA!

by KC Golden on

Climate policy question #1 is simple: Will we put responsible limits on the largest sources of climate pollution?

Carbon cleanup: how clean fuels will protect our health and save money

by Ben Serrurier on

California is saving lives and boosting its economy by capping carbon emissions and supporting clean fuels. Can't we do the same for Washington?

Bread, freedom, social justice... and climate security

by Chris Bast on

From Tahrir Square to hurricane-ravaged Staten Island, our climate crisis is also a crisis of equity and environmental justice.

Healthy forests are biomassive energy producers

by Jimmy Mahady on

Northwest forests are the focus of groundbreaking research into new sustainable biofuels and envigorated rural economies.

Utility bonds downgraded on promise of rooftop solar with storage

by Seth Zuckerman on

Renewables gain market share as prices drop, Royal Dutch Shell rebuffs 'stranded asset' worries, California cap-and-trade laid bare, and much more

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act