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Big Carbon's Worst Economic Nightmare

by Seth Zuckerman on

Renewable energy is growing fast, despite big oil's efforts to slow it down. We need both tech progress and political pressure to keep expanding green power. 

The space beyond denial, before despair

by Bobby Hayden on

Joined by over 900 allies and leaders from around the region and around the country, we heard from heroes who are using their respective fields as platforms for real climate leadership. We also took some selfies.

Switch sooner, save sooner

by Seth Zuckerman on

In this week's ClimateCast: A Republican mayor pushes for a net-zero energy code, insurers place their bets on climate risk,  rooftop solar makes strides in Bangladesh, and more news of the emerging clean energy economy.

States of denial meet states of change

by Beth Doglio on

This week's Years of Living Dangerously underscored the dangers we will increasingly face in the age of climate consequences--and the importance of defining the leadership we need to take us in the right direction.

Good money after bad

by Seth Zuckerman on

In this week's ClimateCast: fossil fuels pose new risks for investors, Stanford divests from coal, China in climate talks with the U.S., prices for renewable electricity drop to parity with fossil gas, and much more.  

Divest. Separate. Win.

by KC Golden on

Divestment is more than a tactic in the climate battle. In a broad sense, it’s the whole game. Because, by itself, the fossil fuel industry does not have enough money or power to stop climate solutions. It only wins by continuously taking our money, and our power, and using them against us.

A Clean Burn

by Bobby Hayden on

A former Texas oilman and a public health advocate stand up to Big Oil, and fight for clean air and homegrown jobs in the Northwest.

A Remembrance of Billy Frank, Jr.

by Martha Kongsgaard on

“I don’t believe in magic,” Billy once said. “I believe in the sun and the stars, the water, the tides, the floods, the owls, the hawks flying, the river running, the wind talking. They’re measurements. They tell us how healthy things are.  How healthy we are. Because we and they are the same. That’s what I believe in. Those who learn to listen to the world that sustains them can hear the message brought forth by the salmon.”   

Shell Game: why climate policy is all business

by William Brent on

More than 70 businesses, including fossil fuel giant Shell and utility EDF Energy, recently signed the "Trillion Tonne Communique," asking governments to put a price on carbon in order to limit emissions to one trillion metric tons (we're already more than halfway there). The ultimate goal is to make the world net-zero emissions by 2100. Sounds great.

When the climate denier is your dad

by Kimberly Larson on

Which has worse consequences: wrongly denying that a problem exists, or acknowledging the problem, while choosing to keep making the problem worse? 

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act