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When the climate denier is your dad

by Kimberly Larson on

Which has worse consequences: wrongly denying that a problem exists, or acknowledging the problem, while choosing to keep making the problem worse? 

Vote No on 26-156 for your wallet and the climate

by Jenna Garmon on

Unfortunately, future success in natural infrastructure may be in real jeopardy if Portlanders pass Measure 26-156 on May 20.

Europeans see financial risk in fossil fuels

by Seth Zuckerman on

In this week’s ClimateCast: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announces climate plan, New York utilities rethink their business model, pteropods succumbing to sour sea water, and more.

Inslee's bold climate initative: The Right Time, the Right Place, the Right People

by Gregg Small on

On April 29, Washington Governor Jay Inslee's Executive Order on climate change marked a big leap forward for West Coast climate leadership.

NEEA funding cuts shortchange people of the Northwest

by Ann Gravatt on

We are alarmed about a proposal to drastically reduce funding for one of the region’s essential energy efficiency resources, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA).

Renewables soak up more love in the heartland

by Seth Zuckerman on

In this week’s ClimateCast: Climate politics shifting in renewables’ favor;  a climate denier changes his stripes; Gov. Kitzhaber comes out against coal ports; and more.

Denial on Trial (in Years of Living Dangerously part 3)

by KC Golden on

Did the producers of the Showtime docu-series Years of Living Dangerously have to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement before airing their show?  They should have, because it is profoundly disruptive to the ecosystem of denial. 

Solar prices plummet, utility model in jeopardy

by Seth Zuckerman on

In this week’s ClimateCast: British Airways inks contract to buy fuel made from garbage; Keystone pipeline decision delayed until after November elections; solar prices plummeting to parity with market prices; and more.

Hot shots and carbon champs

by Bobby Hayden on

The second episode of Years continues a storyline in which Harrison Ford travels to Indonesia to investigate massive slash and burn deforestation projects, which are making way for gigantic, illegal palm oil plantations. The destruction of Indonesia's peat lands - the burning of both the forests' trees and carbon rich soils - now accounts for 4% of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions alone. 

The engines that power our clean energy schools of the future

by Ben Serrurier on

In 2010 the Washington State legislature passed the Jobs Now Act, providing grants to school districts for energy efficiency and other cost-saving investments. Despite such resounding and widespread success, funding for the Jobs Act isn’t guaranteed; we need the legislature to renew it this year.

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“The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging”

What does Kamala Harris' candidacy mean for the future of American clean energy and climate action? Plus: checking in on the successes of the federal IRA and Washington State's Climate Commitment Act